The Universe Wants Us to Slow Down

The Coronavirus pandemic simply revolutionized the way most of the world is getting on with life. While there are many worrying about their health and that of their loved ones, and we keep hearing appeals to remain home unless it is absolutely necessary to go out, there are also other facets of this time worth pondering on. I think the universe is asking us all to slow down!

True, it is a difficult time for many, and we are all looking forward to the day when we will be able to resume our “normal” lives at work and school. Hopefully, there will come a time when social distancing will not have to be an issue anymore, and we will be able to meet with friends, organize gatherings and parties, and attend events and activities as we once used to.

However, while it may all seem somewhat negative at this time, there are some positive aspects too. It appears that the universe wanted us to slow down a bit. For instance, many reports were published, showing that the environment was benefiting greatly at this time. In many countries, air pollution dropped dramatically as a result of people staying at home. Naturally, this involved fewer vehicles on the roads, and machines and power plants that used fossil fuels are not working as much as they would. Thus the environmental impact of this pandemic is a positive one as we were all worried about air pollution levels and their negative consequences.

Moreover, the shutdown that has been forced by the coronavirus pandemic has had many people working from home. As a result, families have now ended up spending the whole day together, in contrast to the way we used to be before with both parents working long hours and only coming back home to their kids late in the evening.

Dinners do not have to be rushed or just take-aways anymore. Now families have time to prepare dinners together, and the thrill of cooking together has affected many families positively. Kids are thrilled to be able to spend more time with their parents, and home-cooked meals are not a one-off occasion anymore.

Families are being better able to appreciate the beauty of being together, and now there is so much more time to talk, play, and do things that we never seemed to have time to do before. Playing in the yard, setting up a board game and spending hours at it, trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle, watching a movie, reading a book – we are all seeming to find such simple pleasures as pleasant as can be now. And the best thing about it all is that the whole family can spend time together and have fun while appreciating one another more.

COVID-19 came out of nowhere and forced us all to conserve our resources, spend time with our families, and appreciate our elders. There are things we should be happy about and grateful for in life. And without a doubt, we have all learned a valuable lesson already – we need to appreciate one another more, find ways to show our love for each other even in simple ways, as well as do our best to care for the environment more.

Ha Long Bay, Vietnam

When the Universe Talks, You Listen!

We now have the opportunity to get in touch with ourselves again and reignite our passions. For example, I never noticed that the birds were singing to me every morning. I was always rushing and always in my head. At times I feel that things are moving so fast that I forget where I am going and why. When this is all over, I hope that we are all stronger, and can move through life, always keeping in mind the lessons this pandemic brought. For me, they are:

  • Finding Joy in everything I do – Amazing things are happening all around us each day. I intend to slow down, look around, and notice them.
  • Counting my blessings – I have a lot to be grateful for, and no, I don’t mean material things. I learned to be thankful for the hugs I get from my mom, the kisses I get from my friends, the face to face conversations with my siblings, and spending more quality time with my amazing partner.
  • Not comparing myself to others – Nobody genuinely knows what others are going through. It is time we all stop this obsessive need always to compare our lives to others. I intend to focus on my goals and move forward with intent while remaining flexible. I am unique, and I believe in my abilities to accomplish hard things.
  • Practicing Mindfulness – I plan to keep reminding myself to live in the moment knowing that change is the only constant in the universe, so there is no need to be obsessive about making plans, or looking a certain way to please others. I travel every year, and this year, I am enjoying my home, my kitchen, my dog, my backyard, and the many video chats with my family.

I am not saying this is not difficult at times; it is. What I am saying is “trust the universe” and find inspiration in the happiness that surrounds you daily. As Gabrielle Bernstein says, in the end, “The Universe always has your back.”

Much love,


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