Today, I’ve decided to dance
I will dance to the music inside me
I hear your music, and I love it
It sounds fantastic and intoxicating at times
But it belongs to you already
Mine is particular, unique
And today I will listen to it.
Today, I’ve decided to be open to everything
But without attachments
My mind is open and ready to receive
My heart is open and willing to let go
Let go of attachment
Let go of fulfilling other people’s expectations
Let go of anything that doesn’t support my dreams
Anything that doesn’t elevate me.
Today, I’ve decided to act big
Acting small hasn’t taken me anywhere
Acting small to let others shine out of fear
Acting small to not get too much attention
Acting small to stay safe
Don’t belittle your capabilities
What you seek is already within you
And the world is ready to witness it.
Today, I’ve decided to hold grief as unexpressed love
To let it consume me and not push it down
I want it
I want the love to stay with me
I want the memories to remain
Just like fear, grief is also a messenger
And I am here to listen
And learn to live with the pain
That reminds me how much I’ve loved and
How much I can love YOU!